Region 1 Medical Center in Dagupan City (Contact Details)

Find below the contact details of Region 1 Medical Center (R1MC), including address, phone numbers, mobile number, fax number, website, Facebook page, and email.

Address: Arellano Bani Street, Dagupan City, Pangasinan 2400
Bonuan Binloc, Dagupan City
(R1MC Annex)
Phone No.: (075) 515-8916 (Trunkline)
(075) 653-8888 / (075) 653-8000 / (075) 653-7162 (Hotline)
Mobile No.: 0947-559-0020 / 0963-771-7715 (Smart - Customer Service Representative)
0945-758-9235 (Globe - Customer Service Representative)
0966-451-0950 (Globe - Hotline)
(R1MC E-Pacheckup) (R1MC Out-Patient Department)
Email: [email protected]
[email protected]
R1MC One Hospital Command Center Hotlines for Referrals from other Hospitals and LGU
Mobile No.: 0960 898 7886 (Smart)
0966 356 6460 (Globe)
Toxicology / Poison Center Region 1 Medical Center
Mobile No.: 0960 289 2159 (Smart)
0966 726 2605 (Globe)

About Region 1 Medical Center

Region 1 Medical Center is a premiere, fully equipped DOH training and research hospital in Nothern Luzon.

R1MC, originally known as Pangasinan Provincial Hospital (PPH), was established on August 29, 1925 under the administration of Pangasinan Provincial Governor Don Teofilo Sison.

Republic Act 7893, principally authored by House Speaker Jose de Venecia, Jr., was signed into law by Pres. Ramos on February 20, 1995, converting the GTSMPH into a 300 bed capacity Medical Center to be known as the Region 1 Medical Center (R1MC).Eventually the hospital management was reverted to the Department of Health and henceforth categorized as a ‘DOH retained hospital’.


Source(s): | R1MC Out-Patient Department FB Page

Last Updated on January 8, 2023