Dr. Jose Rizal Memorial Hospital in Dapitan City (Contact Details)

Find below the contact details of Dr. Jose Rizal Memorial Hospital (DJRMH), including address, phone number, fax number, website, Facebook page and email.

place Address: Lawaan, Dapitan City, Zamboanga del Norte, Philippines
phone Phone No.: (065) 213-6421
phone_iphone Mobile No.:
local_printshop Fax No.: (065) 908-8038
web Website: djrmh.doh.gov.ph
web Facebook: Facebook.com/DJRMHOfficialPage
email Email: [email protected]
About Dr. Jose Rizal Memorial Hospital

Dr. Jose Rizal Memorial Hospital (DJRMH) is the only retained DOH - Hospital in Zamboanga del Norte. It is located at Lawaan, Dapitan City.

The Dr. Jose Rizal Memorial Hospital was created as a 15-bed capacity hospital on December 30, 1916 at the Casa Commandancia known as the Rizal Memorial Hospital (RMH) in honor of the death of our national hero, Dr. Jose Rizal Memorial Hospital who spent four (4) years and thirteen (13) days of his life in exile in Dapitan from July 17, 1892 to July 31, 1896.


Source(s): djrmh.doh.gov.ph | doh.gov.ph

Last Update: April 8, 2019